Like Busses... e107 v0.7.1 Released

by e107 in e107

Hot on the heels of the official 0.7 release comes this small update, which we have released due to a major encoding bug which crept its way into the cvs just before packaging.

Hot on the heels of the official 0.7 release comes this small update, which we have released due to a major encoding bug which crept its way into the cvs just before packaging. In addition to this fix, this release includes a clutch of other bugfixes and implements a new scan for malicious files when you access your admin front page. The full changelog can be found here:

If you are upgrading from 0.7.0 its simply a case of uploading the new files over the existing files on your server. If you are upgrading from 0.6175 however you must read the upgrade guide and please also read the official 0.7 release news item below this one.

Links to the downloads can be found on this page

Please click here for the upgrade guide.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source