beta 6 update

by admin in


... yeah another one heh. I must get ten emails a day on average asking why there isn't an integrated download manager, or when que is going to be releasing his excellent plugin, so to stem the tide e107 now has one built in. You'll need to run an upgrade script to get it working but I promise you no content will be affected, all it does is create the tables the manager will use so you won't encounter any of the problems associated with upgrading in the past. Ok, if you are running beta6 already, download the update zip from the menu over there on the right. Unzip and upload the files maintaining directory structure, and answer yes when asked if you want to overwrite any files. Once this is done, go to and follow the instructions. The manager is available from your admin section and while not as fully featured as que's plugin it should suffice until his is ready. Hope you find it useful. (The manager is part of the full install if you are installing from scratch).

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source