e107 v5.4b1 with upgrade

by admin in

The new beta now has an upgrade script which will update your core from 5.x to 5.4b1, but I must stress this - BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST!

The new beta now has an upgrade script which will update your core from 5.x to 5.4b1, but I must stress this - BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST!. I've tested the upgrade about thirty times today and the it has worked perfectly for me, however you can never be too safe. Here's how to upgrade ... 1. Backup your sql database and config.php 2. Upload all the new files to your server 3. CHMOD your config.php to 666 or 777 - you must do this as the upgrade script makes changes to it 4. Run upgrade.php and follow the instructions. A couple of warnings, some older plugins may not work, I'll be updating these over the next couple of weeks, if you find this then deselect them from your menus page until they are updated. Also, the English language files have been updated so if you are using another language you might have to update the language file. Good luck, please post somewhere on the site how the upgrade went for you. Download from the box over there on the right.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source